Keeping Kids Healthy
There are a number of things families can do to help keep their children healthy and in school:
- Remind your children to frequently wash their hands; before they eat, after they have recess and after they use the bathroom. Proper hand washing is the single most important behavior in preventing the transmission of many infectious diseases
- Avoid close contact with children and adults who are showing signs of illness
- Check with your health care practitioner about immunizations for those diseases that can be prevented with vaccination ie: Influenza, Chicken Pox, Pertussis, etc.
- Remind your student to cough into her/his elbow or shoulder
In addition, to help keep our school community healthy please keep your student home if:
- S/He has a fever of 100 degrees or over
- S/He appears ill and you suspect it may interfere with his ability to be an active learner ie: s/he is coughing repeatedly
- S/He has nausea and vomiting, cramping or diarrhea (wait 24 hours before sending back to school)
If you have questions or concerns about school health, please feel free to contact our school nurse. Kelsey Mitchell 406-324-1148